The Help You Need: Internships & Your Office
Believe it or not, summer is the time where many students are preparing for graduation. How can a student who is on summer vacation prepare for graduation?
Mentorship – Benefits for All
How do you learn best? In the classroom, a digital environment, independent study, or one on one interaction? The answer may vary depending on many factors, but individual instruction is a very effective way to learn. Read more “Mentorship – Benefits for All”
Managing Remote Workers
Managing a remote team of workers for the first time can be challenging in the best of circumstances, much less now in what feels like a disorienting wave of bad news and emergency actions. It can feel uncomfortable to not be able to swing by someone’s office to talk to them face to face or have meetings where you can see expressions and body language.
Here are some tips and resources to help you manage your team remotely:
Ease Working From Home
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many organizations to figure out how to best adjust their workflows and training programs to meet the changing demands of our current work environment. This means many organizations (NASPO and Procurement U included) are moving to remote work options. While it is important for every organization to do something, the reality is that it can be much more challenging for some organizations to quickly ramp up a work-from-home situation, and training programs are left evaluating their ability to deliver effective training in a virtual environment.
Below are some tips and resources that could help you manage virtual training or remote work options. Read more “Ease Working From Home”
On the Road Again: NASPO’s Academic Affairs
We are kicking off this year by hitting the road to visit some of our academic partners and their students Keep reading if your office is interested in:
Recruiting and retaining emerging talent
Staying up to date on resources offered by academic partners
Continuing education opportunities