Technology & IT Procurement

IT Procurement: Envisioning the Next Decade in Technology

2021 is the year of IT procurement. Here on the Research and Innovation Team, we have worked hard to bring to your attention to the newest trends in technology and IT procurement. The pandemic has shown us how important technology is going to be in the incoming decade. Already our way of working has changed to bring you. We have learned to adapt to new technologies, and a lot of the practices we have adopted in 2020 will be with us forever. The IT procurement landscape does not have to be a landmine of uncertainty, we have resources to help you!

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Technology & IT Procurement

Implementing eGovernment: 3 Lessons from Estonia

State governments across the country have switched to work from home to comply with quarantine orders. This has closed some state offices, significantly reduced the hours of other state offices, and has caused wide-spread delays in citizens receiving services across the country. This has created a demand to expand eGovernment services and, according to the United Nations survey, some world governments have responded to this demand by making more government services available online. As more states expand eGovernment services, lessons can be learned from how one country went almost 100% online years ago: Estonia.

Read more “Implementing eGovernment: 3 Lessons from Estonia”

Technology & IT Procurement

The State of Cybersecurity: 3 Bold Plays for Change

In March 2018, the city of Atlanta suffered a ransomware attack that compromised the data of their employees and anyone who conducted business with the state and ended costing $2.6 million in emergency contract efforts[1]. When Louisiana was attacked in November of 2019, 10% of the state’s servers were infiltrated and some 1,500 computers were damaged.  These examples demonstrate cybersecurity should be a top priority for procurement officers to protect the sensitive information of both vendors and staff. Understanding the issues and goals of your state Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) can pave the road toward a more productive working relationship and allow procurement officers to address increasing cybersecurity threats as partners.

Read more “The State of Cybersecurity: 3 Bold Plays for Change”