Tag: National Association of State Procurement Officials

Procurement Office Development

The Case of the Missing Worker

At the National Governors Association Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C., one topic was raised in every single session and panel: worker shortage. Every workforce sector is hurting for qualified or willing workers at every level. This shortage also affects public-sector employment, as many CPOs can attest. The question that everyone is asking is, “Where are all the workers?”

Read more “The Case of the Missing Worker”

Contract Administration & Management

The Care and Keeping of Contracts 

For public procurement professionals whose job duties include contract administration, it can be tempting to leave contracts alone unless – or more accurately: until – there is an issue. Increasingly, however, procurement offices are recognizing the value of utilizing contract administration best practices to improve their relationships with suppliers and increase the value of their contracts. 

Read more “The Care and Keeping of Contracts “

Professional Development

Everything is NOT Awesome – Difficult Customer Situations

Imagine this – a state agency has come to you with frustrations about a lack of communication from the central procurement office. They have not heard back from the office in over three days, and they are frustrated that they do not know what is going on with their solicitation. This is just one example of a frustrated customer situation you might run into in your operations. When these unhappy customers arise, there are steps you can  take in order to recover from a bad customer service experience. Read more “Everything is NOT Awesome – Difficult Customer Situations”
Solicitation Methods

Black Swans: Anticipate Your Supply Chain Reactions

In a report released in late April , IBM’s Institute for Business Value weighs in on how organizations can reduce vulnerabilities through smarter supply chains. As supply chains start to react to the pandemic and deploy permanent changes in their processes, how can procurement officials brace for the change?
In this post we explore what changes supply chains are anticipated to make, and what those changes mean for public procurement officials. Read more “Black Swans: Anticipate Your Supply Chain Reactions”
Pulse Podcast

Public Procurement During COVID: Parts 1 & 2

NASPO is proud to present our new podcast, NASPO Pulse Podcast!
Every other week, tune in right here to Procurement Pulse to hear the latest podcast. Each episode is hosted by NASPO’s own Media Production Project Manager, Kevin Minor who will be interviewing NASPO leadership and staff, state central procurement officers, and subject matter experts.

Click HERE to download the new episodes!

Read more “Public Procurement During COVID: Parts 1 & 2”