Category: Professional Development

Professional Development

Are You a Buyer or a Procurement Professional?

When people typically think of the public procurement profession, they usually think of a single role– someone who actually does the purchasing of goods and services as a buyer. Often, that single title, buyer, is thought of as an interchangeable role with other, similarly sounding roles: procurement officer, purchasing agent, etc. However, it is important to note that although the titles are often used interchangeably, there are many noticeable differences between the actual functions of those roles.

Read more “Are You a Buyer or a Procurement Professional?”

Professional Development

Introducing the Repository of State Practices (RoSP)!

The NASPO Research and Innovation team is proud to announce that the Repository of State Practices (RoSP) is now available to the public. The RoSP is a database of state procurement statutes, regulations, and policies gathered for the convenience of procurement officials, researchers, and other interested parties.

Read more “Introducing the Repository of State Practices (RoSP)!”

Professional Development

Training and Certification: A Better Value for Everyone 

A 2015 academic study found nearly 3 out of 4 public procurement managers were more likely to hire someone with a procurement certification.  A 2018 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics concluded that persons with a professional certificate or license earned nearly one-third more than those without, including a weekly median salary difference of 12.4% for office and administrative support occupations. There are plenty more reasons why you should consider continuing education and why your office should value it.  Read more “Training and Certification: A Better Value for Everyone “
Professional Development

Spread the Word–It’s Procurement Awareness Month! 

What is public procurement? You would not believe the range of responses I got when I asked a handful of my university classmates and peers this exact question. Admittedly, the responses were not pretty. They began with a “Uhhhh” and ended with “I have no idea.” Sometimes, I even just got a blank stare.  
Read more “Spread the Word–It’s Procurement Awareness Month! “
Professional Development

Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking

You, like many people, may feel dread in hearing the word “networking.” You are not alone, according to one study from Harvard Business School, people feel gross about networking being pushed by their superiors because of the feeling of how transactional it can be. That same study showed, however, that people do feel good about organic (or self-initiated) networking. Networking can be good for not just you as an individual but also good for your department and organization. Read more “Reflecting on the Pandemic: Networking”
Professional Development

Everything is NOT Awesome – Difficult Customer Situations

Imagine this – a state agency has come to you with frustrations about a lack of communication from the central procurement office. They have not heard back from the office in over three days, and they are frustrated that they do not know what is going on with their solicitation. This is just one example of a frustrated customer situation you might run into in your operations. When these unhappy customers arise, there are steps you can  take in order to recover from a bad customer service experience. Read more “Everything is NOT Awesome – Difficult Customer Situations”